1. One of the things about this text that confuses me a little bit is that I was confused whether or not the story was true. It sounds so real and is based on things that could actually happen and it made me unsure whether or not it was based on a true story but it’s not. I want to learn more about women’s rights. The Handmaids Tale doesn’t express women’s rights and I want to know more about the era in the U.S. when woman didn’t have as many rights as they do now.
2. I plan to do some research on the time frames when women had to fight for their rights. I want to compare the rights they had back then and the rights they have now.
3. I chose to do research on women’s rights because I am a woman and I want to know about my history is. I need to know why I’m allowed to do things I do this day and who fought so I could do them. It will also help me better understand The Handmaids Tale because the author Margaret Atwood must have written the story so woman like me will want to understand more about Female rights.
CHECK THIS OUT! http://womensrights.change.org/